The main goal of the Aequo Fund is to promote positive race and wealth equity outcomes including neighborhood stabilization, minority real estate development, minority homeownership and job creation. Our strategy is to focus on the following:


  • Creating Affordable Housing Inventory

    with the goal of homeownership - limit program to projects with As Renovated Value or resale value of $350,000 or less with an intended homeownership outcome.

  • Establishing a Robust Community Development “Ecosystem”

    specifically centered on stabilization of the neighborhoods and promoting homeownership outcomes and resources to support the growth of the developer as a small business owner.

  • Entering Partnerships with Local Community Organizations to Promote Ways in Which the Loan Program Can Support:

    • or complement broader community initiatives

    • workforce training and development, including employment opportunities for the re-entry community

    • programs for cultivating more novice developers

  • Identify and Support Small Minority Local Developers and Contractors by:

    • entering partnerships with various universities (i.e. MIT, Columbia, Temple, University of Buffalo, UB, and etc.)

    • utilizing professional network (i.e. lenders, investors, not-for-profit organizations, government agencies etc.)

  • Create a Pipeline of Buyers/Homeowners Through Working with:

    • homeownership counselling agencies

    • city and state housing agencies

    • real estate professionals and mortgage lenders

By leverage its relationships with universities, financial institutions, local developers, contractors, brokers and government agencies EVI will be able to successfully:

Finance the acquisition and construction of underperforming assets with loan and equity.

Redevelop or construct quality affordable single-family home by overseeing the small developers with an ability to take over the project if issues/problems arise

Repay the loan providers
and equity partners by selling the asset or through re-financing